

2025 Pricebook & Price Increase Information

Schluter®-Systems USA 2025  Pricing Dear Valued Partner,  Please be advised that we will be implementing a price increase, effective April 1, 2025.  As always, our goal is to keep price increases to a minimum despite rising costs. As such, this year’s increase will be limited to just 2%.  Additionally, some products WILL NOT incur any increase in price, namely: SCHIENE in all materials/finishes except stainless steel and brass, KERDI-BOARD-SNLT niches with LED lighting, and LIPROTEC drivers and cables.  To download the Excel spreadsheet containing new pricing, click here . It can also be obtained through your local Schluter Sales Representative or our Customer Support Team.  Our 2025 price list catalogs are in production now, you will be notified when they become available either by your direct distribution partner or Schluter territory sales manager.  Thank you for your continued partnership. We are always just a phone call away, please don’t ...

Out of Markets/Meeting Notice | Slow to Reply January 12th - 23rd

I will be out of my markets and slow to respond to all messages (email, voice and text) January 12th through 23rd. I will resume normal contact Friday, January 24th. If you need immediate assistance, please contact one of my resources below.  For general questions and support. Schluter Customer Service 888-472-4588 Jerry Wilson | Las Vegas, NV Territory Manager 775-710-1497 Existing product claims/cases should contact our Field Technical Manager. Dustin Miller Field Technical Manager 208-318-8036 For commercial contactors and questions relating to architectural/commercial projects, please contact Scott or John below. Scott Schilling | Denver/Salt Lake Commercial Manager 970-744-9119 John Coats | Denver/Salt Lake City A & D Sales Manager 720-940-0516 You may also reference posts to this blog for frequently asked questions. Thank you for your patience and support.

Lightweight Re-Usable…UPOD-E

I can very quickly dry cut in new SKUs from my storage unit for an upcoming SIS or demo re-using what I will call my UPOD-E…E being the Schluter code for stainless steel, and my UPOD being constructed of…stainless steel (galvanized steel - but I will call it E anyway). With each demo I can dry fit all shower applications quickly and choose to mortar down one chosen application. This includes recessed showers.  Though this model doesn’t allow to actually recess with sister trusses, I keep 2 pieces of 3/4” OSB with me to demonstrate what this would look like.  Rest shower tray on base ply/RE-Fleece. Rest 1 piece of 3/4” OSB up to shower tray. Explain that this would be the elevation if I had been able to successfully recess the floor. Use flyer or PPT to explain how floors are/can be recessed to bring to this point. Other piece of OSB may need to be used for build up - depending on chosen shower configuration. STANDARD UPOD DIMENSIONS I framed the stainless steel stud UPOD foll...

2021 IRC (International Residential Code) | Chapter 27 Section P2709 Shower Receptors

P2709.1 Construction. Where a shower receptor has a finished curb threshold, it shall be not less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) below the sides and back of the receptor. The curb shall be not less than 2 inches (51 mm) and not more than 9 inches (229 mm) deep when measured from the top of the curb to the top of the drain. The finished floor shall slope uniformly toward the drain not les: than ¼ unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2-percent slope) nor more than unit vertical per 12 units horizontal (4-percent slope) and floor drains shall be flanged to provide a watertight joint in the floor.   P2709.2 Lining required. The adjoining walls and floor framing enclosing on-site built-up shower receptors shall be lined with one of the following materials: Sheet lead. Sheet copper. Plastic liner material that complies WithASTM D4068 or ASTM D4551. Hot mopping in accordance with Section P2709.2.3.  Sheet-applied load-bearing, bonded waterproof membranes that comply with ANSI A118....

2021 IRC (International Residential Code) | Chapter 25 Plumbing Administration

P2503.6 Shower liner test.   Where shower floors and receptors are made watertight by the application of materials required by Section P2709.2, the completed liner installation shall be tested. The pipe from the shower drain shall be plugged watertight for the test. The floor and receptor area shall be filled with potable water to a depth of not less than 2 inches (51 mm) measured at the threshold. Where a threshold of not less than 2 inches (51 mm) in height does not exist, a temporary threshold shall be constructed to retain the test water in the lined floor or receptor area to a level not less than 2 inches (51 mm) in depth measured at the threshold. The water shall be retained for a test period of not less than 15 minutes and there shall not be evidence of leakage.   Copyright © 2024 International Code Council, Inc., or its licensors (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED). Accessed on 08/27/2024 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproduction or distribution authorized. Any...

Schluter Systems | Reno Distribution Center FACTS

Reno Facility | Building Tour Notes     Welcome to Schluter Systems ! Our state-of-the-art facility features a multitude of sensible and sustainable technologies to maximize energy efficiency, water usage and air quality.   Our goal was to provide our employees with maximum comfort, through innovative design, and at the same time be environmentally responsible both as a corporation and as individuals.  To accomplish this, we joined forces with a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers, and consultants familiar with green building technologies and practices. The total building area is 172,500 SF.  It consists of a 2-storey office section (22,500 SF) used primarily as a training center and office, combined with a 150,000 SF warehouse and distribution center. LONG-TERM VISION Conscious of our impact on the environment, we made every effort to limit the use of energy and water utilities and implement measures that ensure the long-term sustainability of ...

New ASTM Ratings for Foam Backerboards!

On November 30th, 2023, ANSI A118.18 was approved as a standard for foam core backer boards including KERDI-Board. This Standard will be published in the 2024 book of ANSI Standards for Ceramic Tile installation. ANSI A118.18 for foam boards contains the following requirements: Provided that all requirements of the Schluter System Installation Hanbook and the Schluter KERDI-Board Data Sheet are met, KERDI-Board is a suitable replacement for glass mat gypsum backing panels (ASTM C1178), fiber-reinforced gypsum panels (ASTM C1278), non-asbestos fiber-cement backer boards (ASTM C1288 or ISO 8336, Category C), and non-asbestos fiber mat reinforced cementitious backer units (ASTM C1325) when used as a backer for wall tile in wet areas. Please reach Chris Hill via email for further insight and information regarding this new and exciting development.