Request Private Team Trainings


If you can't make it to a formal Schluter workshop, or it's not possible to send installers to get the training they could benefit from? NO PROBLEM! We are happy to come to you. I would be happy to do a product demonstration or a mini-seminar at your chosen place - or if necessary, I could contract a meeting space for us. The training will be specific to whatever you desire - completely customizable. We could consider demonstrations as short as an hour, or up to half day mini-seminars where I provide breakfast and we conclude with a lunch.
Mini-seminars mimic our workshops, essentially. I provide breakfast, show a condensed PowerPoint or two, demonstrate product install with mortar, and send your crew back to work with lunch. I will even bring in hats, shirts and trowels.
If you are local to the Salt Lake market, Tushar Brazilian Express has offered their space to me, and their food is out of sight! 
Email me or call me to discuss.


2025 Pricebook & Price Increase Information

2025 New Products!

Pleasant Valley Hunting Preserve

INVITATION - Washoe Club Ghost Tour & Dinner

Exterior Applications | Introduction to Pedestals/TROBA-Level